Local Governments Encouraged to Review Virginia’s Plan for Well-Being


Virginia’s Plan for Well-Being, a document developed by the Virginia Department of Health and the Virginia Center for Health Innovation, outlines 13 goals for the years 2016-2020. Goals are grouped under four aims: healthy, connected communities; a strong start for children; preventive actions; and a system of health care.  Specific metrics are associated with each goal.

The plan focuses on social determinants of health, including economic stability, preparation for kindergarten and access to medical care. Of particular interest to localities is Goal 1.2, “Virginia’s communities collaborate to improve the population’s health,” which will be measured by the percentage of Virginia’s health planning districts that have established an on-going collaborative community health planning process, a percentage that is targeted to increase from 43 percent to 100 percent. Community health planning involves representatives from many sectors of a community, who work collaboratively to collect data, including social, economic, and environmental data, and recommend evidence-based policies.

The Virginia Department of Health and the Virginia Center for Health Innovation will be reporting annually on the goals outlined in the plan. Localities with questions about community health planning may contact Lilian Peake, Deputy Commissioner for Population Health at lilian.peake@vdh.virginia.gov.

VACo Contact: Katie Boyle

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