Preparations for VACo’s 82nd Annual Conference Exhibit Hall are going well with 75 percent of booths sold to date. Many of our exhibitors have been attending the VACo Annual Conference for a long time and look forward to seeing county government officials they’ve come to know and work with.

Just a few of the comments we’ve heard:

“We love this show! We wouldn’t miss it.”

“I attend exhibit shows all over the country and can honestly say this is one of the best, if not THE best one out of all of them.”

“We pick up new business every year. We look forward to this event.”

We hope you’ll plan to attend the 82nd VACo Annual Conference and make time to visit our exhibitors. They’re experienced in working with local county government in Virginia and can help you navigate the process to making your county’s project a success.

VACo Contact: Carol Cameron

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