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The Voice of the

Commonwealth's Counties

Premier Partner Spotlight – Blue Line Solutions Testimonials

Thank you Wythe County Chief Deputy Anthony Cline for sharing your experience with Blue Line Solutions!


Thank you Sussex County Sheriff Ernest Giles for sharing your experience with Blue Line Solutions!


Blue Line Solutions is making a positive impact on communities all over Virginia. In Smyth County – Blue Line Solutions recorded during a five-day period that there were 3,530 vehicles traveling through school speed zones at 10mph or higher above the speed limit. That’s over 12,000 speeding vehicles a month during school days.

Blue Line Solutions uses information and communications rather than focus on enforcement to reduce speeds in school zones.

During Blue Line Solutions Public Information Phase of its program in Smyth County – the number dropped to 213 over a five-day period. That’s without writing one ticket. The community heard the problem and reacted to it. During the warning phase – the number dropped to 175. Then during the enforcement phase – it dropped to 72. That’s a 98 percent reduction of speeders compared to before the Blue Line Solutions program.

“That’s absolutely fantastic that we can make a difference in a community,” Blue Line Solutions CEO/Founder Mark Hutchinson said.