REAL TIME PHOTO | FRIDAY, AUGUST 11 | 10:14am VACo Headquarters

This photo was taken as Prince William County Supervisor Andrea Bailey entered the room and with a few words had her classmates, VACo staff, and leadership course instructor Jane Dittmar laughing. Bailey is part of the inaugural class of the VACo Certified County Supervisors’ Program. VACo will celebrate the graduation of the 2023 class at the Annual Conference in November.

If you think this looks like fun – it really is. VACo has revamped its Supervisors’ Certification Program and so far the feedback has been tremendous. Students learn fundamental skills as well as theory in budgeting, planning and land use, and leadership. But most of all – Supervisors learn from each other through shared experiences, challenges, and successes.

Serve your Constituents better by becoming a better Supervisor. Be a part of the 2024 class of the Supervisors’ Certification Program. Contact Karie Walker at for more information.

PS: If you are a former graduate – come and experience the new version of the program!

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