Report on Preemptive and Ongoing Health Care to Local Government Employees Exposed to Toxic Materials Published

A report from a workgroup charged with identifying and analyzing options to help ensure that local government employees who respond to emergencies that expose them to toxic materials have appropriate preemptive and ongoing health care was recently published and recommends state grant funding to support eligible localities. This fund would help localities in supporting their emergency responders by right sizing benefits to fill the gap between insurance, workers’ compensation, and the numerous expenses for cancer and other treatments. Local governments and certain state agencies would be eligible, with a limited number of truly extraordinary emergencies qualifying. The grant program also estimates a strategy to cover out-of-pocket costs for eligible first responders. The work group also recommends strategies for a potentially statewide cancer screening program. It recommends a program be developed based off the current initiative in Northern Virginia or a program to provide a minimum matching grant to localities who could negotiate with providers themselves. VACo served as a member of the workgroup.

Firefighter health has become an increasing concern in the United States as recent research reveals the effects of turnout gear, firefighting foam, and carcinogenic environments on firefighters and other emergency responders. Although the Commonwealth has employed strategies to mitigate these effects, there have been concerns about extraordinary emergency incidents where emergency responders are exposed to toxic chemicals. This concern was highlighted in 2012 when a military aircraft crashed in Virginia Beach. First responders in the area were exposed to numerous hazardous chemicals and toxic materials from the plane that may have seriously harmed them.

Established by the enactment of HB 133 (Convirs-Fowler) / SB 650 (Rouse), the legislation directed the Virginia Department of Fire Programs (VDFP) to convene a workgroup and report its findings to the General Assembly by November 1, 2024.

The full report can be accessed here.

VACo Contact: Jeremy R. Bennett

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