Room Reservation forms to be released June 15 and conference registration forms out August 15

VACo Members – please mark two important dates on your calendars. Be on the look out for the Annual Conference room reservation form being released on June 15. The Annual Conference registration form will be out on August 15.

On May 8, the 2017 VACo Annual Conference Planning Committee will meet to discuss the details of the 83rd VACo Annual Conference. This 16-person VACo Operating Committee is comprised of Supervisors and senior county staff from across the state. During the meeting with the VACo Team, they will discuss the conference theme, possible general and breakout session topics and speakers and conference logistics. Being on this committee is a great opportunity to help shape the three-day event. Consider joining the 2017 Conference Planning Committee or another VACo Steering or Operational Committee in 2018. VACo Steering Committees provide direction to the VACo team on policy issues arising from legislative and state agencies and shaping the legislative program. The operational committees are responsible for helping direct the staff in the activities, programs and functions of VACo.

Associate members attending the annual conference should consider sponsoring one of the events or amenities offered during the conference. We have updated our golf tournament sponsorships levels and cost to make it a more fun event for the golfers and greater ROI for sponsors. Be sure to check out the Annual Conference Sponsorship Page to see what’s available and the Golf Tournament Sponsorship Page to see what’s new! Also, register to participate in Saturday’s Annual Golf Tournament here.

VACo Contact: Amy Sales, CMP

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