SMART SCALE Round 5 Projects Approved by Commonwealth Transportation Board

In May, the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) unanimously agreed to a resolution approving the 5th round of SMART SCALE projects.  The CTB found that the Consensus Scenario as presented in the May 23, 2023 Workshop is the approach to be used in funding projects scored pursuant to the fifth round of the Project Prioritization Process.  The Consensus Scenario includes Board modifications to the Staff Recommended Scenario, which was presented at the January 17, 2023 meeting of the CTB.  Modifications were made in collaboration with the CTB, Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment Staff, Virginia Department of Transportation Staff, Department of Rail and Public Transportation staff, and the applicant community.

To read the full Resolution passed by the CTB click here.

413 project applications were submitted for round 5 which totaled around $8.3 billion in funding requests.  With $1.64 billion in funding available not every project would or could be funded.  The CTB would ultimately approve 165 projects for funding totaling $1.64 billion. While the SMART SCALE projects are now approved, the CTB must still approve the Six-Year Improvement Program (SYIP) which is a state document that outlines planned spending for transportation projects proposed for construction development or study for the next six years.  The approved round 5 SMART SCALE projects will be included in the SYIP which is set to be considered at the June meeting of the CTB.

VACo Contact: James Hutzler

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