State offering financial assistance to designate sites ‘ready for business’: September 1 deadline to apply


On July 1, the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP) began accepting applications from local governments (including industrial and economic development authorities) for Site Characterization Grants to assess the level of existing development at a site and the additional development required to bring the site to a level that will enable the site to be marketed for industrial or commercial economic development purposes. Grantees will be awarded 50 percent of the cost of site assessment up to a maximum of $5,000.

This initiative is part of the Virginia Business Ready Sites Program (VBRSP), established by the General Assembly in 2015 to promote development and characterization of sites (containing a minimum of 100 contiguous, developable acres) to enhance the Commonwealth’s infrastructure and promote the Commonwealth’s competitive business environment.

After this initial assessment phase VEDP will make available (later in 2016) guidelines and an application for Site Development Grants to bring sites to higher levels of development and readiness for marketing.

For more information, and to apply, go to VBRSP Site Characterization Guidelines and Application.

VACo Contact: Joe Lerch

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