Summer Food Service Program gearing up for 2023; more information available from DOE

The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is federally funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and in Virginia, is administered by the Virginia Department of Education, Office of School Nutrition Programs (VDOE-SNP).

The purpose of the SFSP is to ensure children and teens have equitable access to good, healthy foods during the summertime. Through the program, sponsoring organizations such a school divisions, food banks, local departments of parks and recreations, etc., provide meals to safe and eligible locations in the community.

At these locations, children and teens receive a meal free of charge with no questions asked and no proof of identification collected. Although not required, meals often accompany an enrichment activity to encourage congregation and help with preventing summer learning losses.

New to summer 2023, sponsoring organizations and locations in rural areas may operate non-congregate summer feeding programs, via home delivery or meal pick-up.

For more information on the SFSP, please contact Maggie Parker, the VDOE-SNP Child Nutrition Programs Coordinator, at

VACo Contacts: Jeremy Bennett and Katie Boyle

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