SurveyNavigator® is Coming!

If you haven’t heard, SurveyNavigator® is now available. VACo and Baker Tilley US, LLP (Baker Tilly) are proud to announce a valuable new online salary data service available exclusively at no cost to county members that participate in the program. This complementary service uses Baker Tilly’s secure private database known as SurveyNavigator®. Enrollment is now open for participants.

Survey Navigator allows member jurisdictions to enter their pay and benefits data and, in return, to see other participant’s data that has been entered. It will be available 24/7 and the data will be kept up to date by members. Users will be able to pull data by any desired position contained in the database, as shown by location or region. The salary data can be adjusted (aged) from its effective date to adjust to the date of download or for use in salary projections moving forward to assist with budgeting.

The great news is that we are getting a lot of interest in the program. So far, 9 VACo regions are represented, with 19 counties expressing interest in participating. The map of potential users is not only growing, there are numerous economic regions now well represented, which will allow users to see what salaries are in their labor market, as well as across the state. We encourage you to look into the program. There is no cost to members and the more members we have, the better everyone’s experience will be. It is truly a cooperative venture. We are communicating with Administrators on the schedule of important upcoming dates, and Baker Tilly is available should anyone have questions. Your VACo point of contact managing the program is VACo Coordinator of Programs and Development, Karie Walker. She may be reached at or 804-343-2504. If you would like more detailed information about SurveyNavigator®, please contact Baker Tilly Vice President, Steve Miner at, or 804-240-9760.

Baker Tilly will be offering online training through Zoom in September, and the data base is slated to open for data entry on September 22, 2020. We anticipate offering access to the salary data to members who have entered their data, in mid-to-late November, so it will be available in time for next year’s budget preparation. Thanks to all those who are signing up! With your support, the system can be a great success and a very useful tool for years to come.

Baker Tilly US, LLP (formerly known as Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP)” is one of VACo’s Premier Partners. Baker Tilly is one of the nation’s leading CPA firms. It combined with Springsted, Inc., in 2019 and offers a full suite of local government consulting services, including compensation and classification, performance management, and other personnel services from a wide group of specialists in Virginia and across the country.

VACo Contact: Karie Walker