Take Advantage of Upcoming Educational Webinars

Webinar online concept pointing finger

VACo encourages you to take advantage of several upcoming educational webinars hosted by NACo. See the information below on webinar topics and how you can participate.


Enhancing Road Safety through the Improvement of Unsignalized Intersections
April 6 | 2 pm – 3 pm
Contact Jenna Moran | 202.942.4224 | jmoran@naco.org

Join us on this interactive webinar to learn about the types of transportation safety challenges associated with unsignalized intersections, and how you can address them. Experts from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Office of Safety and VHB will provide an introduction to and overview of FWHA’s new Unsignalized Intersection Improvement Guide, its intended applications and uses and short case study examples. The guide is the result of a collaboration between FHWA, the National Cooperative Highway Research Program and the Institute of Transportation Engineers. This webinar is being presented with support from the sponsors of the NACo Community and Economic Development program.

See more at http://www.naco.org/events/enhancing-road-safety-through-improvement-unsignalized-intersections#sthash.s1ZSs3U5.dpuf.


Funding a County-wide Workforce Development Strategy
May 19 | 2 pm – 3 pm | REGISTER



Homeland Security and Justice Grants for Counties: Are You Getting All You Can?
June 2 | 2 pm – 315 pm | REGISTER

VACo Contact: Beau Blevins


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