Time Capsule Replacement Project

Governor Ralph Northam has launched a project to create a new time capsule representing the Commonwealth, and is inviting Virginians to submit artifacts to be considered for inclusion in the capsule. The time capsule will be replacing an old capsule that was embedded in the pedestal of the Robert E. Lee statue in 1887.

This is a great opportunity for communities to reflect on how Virginia has changed in the past 134 years, and what items represent who we are as a Commonwealth today. Below is a message from the Governor’s Office.

Virginia Counties and Local Leaders – We would love your help in spreading the word about Governor Northam’s plans to replace a 134-year old time capsule embedded in the pedestal foundation of the Robert E. Lee statue in Richmond. The Governor invites you and your communities to suggest artifacts for a new time capsule that represents the inclusive, welcoming Commonwealth that we are building together.

Virginians interested in participating should submit a description of their artifact, the item’s size and material, and an explanation of how the object represents Virginia. To submit an artifact for consideration, individuals must own the item or have the ability to obtain it. Artifact submissions will be collected through Tuesday, July 20. For more information about how to participate in the creation of the new time capsule, visit governor.virginia.gov/timecapsule.

After the submission deadline, suggested items will be reviewed by a panel. Items selected for inclusion in the new time capsule will be collected by the Governor’s Office, placed in a new time capsule, and stored by the Department of Historic Resources until the time capsule is installed.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Tori Feyrer at tori.feyrer@governor.virginia.gov.

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