Upcoming broadband conferences focus on increasing internet access

Two separate summits scheduled for this fall will be bringing public and private partners together to seek solutions on providing high speed internet access to unserved areas.

On September 25-26 the Botetourt Broadband Commission (BBC) will be hosting the Rural Broadband Technology Solutions Summit at the Greenfield Education & Training Center. The objective of the summit is the implementation of advanced, affordable, high capacity internet for all Botetourt County. To achieve this, the BBC is inviting all parties involved and interested in the planning, buildout, procurement, and implementation of high capacity internet in Botetourt County. The BBC will serve to host, facilitate, and connect all components and parties for a collaborative union in an effort to enable a path to meet the summit objective. For more information go to www.BoCoSummit.com.

On October 30 The National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s BroadbandUSA Program, in partnership with Virginia’s Center for Innovative Technology, will host the Virginia Broadband Summit in Roanoke at the South County Library. The purpose of the Summit is to engage the public and stakeholders with information to accelerate broadband connectivity, improve digital inclusion, and support local priorities. The Summit will provide information on topics including local broadband planning, funding and engagement with service providers. Speakers and attendees from Virginia, federal agencies and across the country will come together to explore ways to facilitate the expansion of broadband capacity, access and utilization. The Virginia Broadband Summit is open to the public. Pre-registration is required and space is limited. Registration information, meeting updates, including changes in the agenda, and relevant documents will be available on NTIA’s website at Virginia Broadband Summit – Partnerships for Connecting the Commonwealth. For more information, contact: BroadbandUSAevents@ntia.doc.gov.

VACo Contact: Joe Lerch, AICP

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