VACo Associate Member SPOTLIGHT – Enterprise Fleet Management

This month’s spotlight is on Enterprise Fleet Management, a VACo Associate Member since June 2017.

Enterprise Fleet Management Explains Benefits of Partnering with a Fleet Management Company at Brown Edwards Annual Government Conference

Aging vehicles, reduced budgets and fewer personnel resources are starting to take a toll on government agencies throughout the Common Wealth of Virginia. When it comes to maintaining a fleet of vehicles, many government agencies are hiring professional fleet management companies to reduce cost and alleviate capital outlay.

Enterprise Fleet Management representative Joey Nunn discussed the benefits of outsourcing fleet management in his presentation, New Vehicles Under Budget, at the Brown Edwards Annual Government Conference last month. In his talk, Nunn highlighted how government entities and municipalities can reduce operating costs and refresh their fleets without any impact on their current budgets.

“Enterprise Fleet Management provided a very compelling discussion concerning outsourced fleet management services that was very well received by those in attendance at our 21st Annual Governmental Conference in January,” said Chris Banta, CPA, CFE, Partner at Brown Edwards. “Outsourcing fleet management services allows local governments to lower the age of their fleet, improve safety, reduce operational costs, assist with routine maintenance, and provide a sustainable fleet replacement policy that takes the strain off today’s limited capital budgets.”

When partnering with Enterprise Fleet Management, government entities are provided a dedicated local account manager who helps alleviate administrative responsibilities and monitors the entire fleet program, including but not limited to: vehicle acquisition and resale; funding; maintenance; fuel efficiency; telematics and GPS; and risk and safety management.

And because they know all budgets and fleet needs are different, Enterprise Fleet Management takes the time to customize a personal fleet solution that best fits every agency’s needs.

Schedule a fleet financial analysis at no cost with an Enterprise Fleet Management representative and find out why agencies across Virginia are able to maintain and balance their budgets with a fleet of new vehicles managed by Enterprise Fleet Management.

Eddy R Simon
Account Executive
Enterprise Fleet Management
757.329.3211 Direct

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