VACo Region 7 Meeting

Join us on June 22 | Region 7 | Louisa County

VACo Members –

We are excited to bring a 2017 Regional Meeting to VACo Region 7. Regional representatives are invited to attend and should have received an informational email. This is an opportunity for county elected officials to share local and regional problems and solutions. We expect an open discussion and your attendance adds to the value of the meeting.

We also invited all state legislators in the VACo Region 7 area. The event format allows for lawmakers to hear your concerns and answer some of your questions.

The meeting includes an educational presentation as well as a session that gives local representatives an opportunity to share their issues. We encourage you to attend and represent your county.

Please RSVP to Valerie Russell at

Click here to view informational flier.

Click here to visit the Region 7 Webpage.

VACo Contact: Dean Lynch, CAE

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