VACo releases 2019 Preliminary Legislative Program

VACo has released its 2020 Preliminary Legislative Program, which was drafted through VACo’s steering committee process. The document includes a host of important and timely proposed policy statements including language pertaining to K-12 education funding, local taxing authority, stormwater regulations, land use planning, transportation, broadband, health and human resources and other local budget and legislative issues.

Please click on the link to read the 2020 Preliminary Legislative Program.

The 2020 Legislative Program will be adopted during the VACo Annual Conference on November 10-12 in Bath County.

VACo’s seven steering committees will finalize and adopt their policy sections on Sunday, November 10. The Resolutions Committee will ratify the Legislative Program on Monday, November 11. VACo’s membership will vote to adopt the Final Legislative Program on Tuesday, November 12.

VACo members are encouraged to continue to add their input to this document by working through their county’s legislative process and the VACo steering committee process to put forward suggested changes to VACo’s 2020 Legislative Program.

For questions regarding VACo’s legislative process, contact Dean Lynch at or 804.343.2511.

VACo Contact: Dean Lynch, CAE

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