Louisa County Supervisor

Q1. What sparked your interest in serving as an elected official?  What advice would you give to others who might be interested in running for office?
Troy Wade: My grandfather was a local elected official and helped one of his best friends, V. Earl Dickinson, who served in the General Assembly for years. So I was immersed in politics at a very young age. The combination of my childhood experiences and becoming a father are the two triggers that sparked my interest. The best advice I would have for someone interested in running is to have a stronger desire to serve than to receive services from others. It sounds cliché but shake hands and kiss babies because in local politics you have the blessing of really getting to know the people who elect you. Also, you learn way more with your ears than you do with your mouth so be quiet and listen.

Q2. In your professional life, you are the president of a construction company.  How does that experience shape your approach to public service?
TW: I get the pleasure of working with a large and diverse group of people who represent the full spectrum of current socioeconomic groups. This blessing helps me better understand all perspectives and ways to best serve those that I represent. My career has also helped a great deal in showing me how much I can accomplish with a great team. I have a very talented administrative team in Louisa that would rival any team I’ve met.

Q3. In your view, what are the greatest challenges and opportunities facing Louisa County in the next 10 years?
TW: Our greatest challenge and opportunity in Louisa are going to be one and the same over the next 10 years. We have invested well over $60 million in infrastructure for economic development in the last six years with the goal of growing our growth areas to best serve the people of Louisa and to maintain the lowest combined tax rates in Central Virginia. Our greatest challenge is going to be managing that growth in a smart and efficient manner that allows our County to remain aesthetically pleasing, financially prosperous, and user-friendly.

Q4. Louisa County was the epicenter of an earthquake in 2011 that caused significant damage, notably to two of your schools.  What were some of your lessons learned from the recovery process?
TW: I learned two lessons and one was much less rewarding than the other. The least important lesson was simple – get earthquake insurance. The second lesson was not as much a lesson as it was a confirmation. My thought and appreciation of the people of Louisa were confirmed 10 times over.  We are a proud and strong County full of people who will give their all to help their neighbor. We were and we are Louisa Strong.

Q5. What are the “must-see” places in Louisa County for a first-time visitor?
TW: Go to Lake Anna, check out a show at our world-class Arts Center, drive slow with good music down a gravel road in our historic districts, take a walk down Main Street, and then stop by a realtor’s office to find your new home.

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VACo Contact: Katie Boyle