VACo supports bill for repair of dams

On May 17 VACo sent letters to Senators Mark R. Warner and Timothy Kaine expressing support for S. 2835, a bill introduced by Rhode Island Senator Jack Reed that authorizes $600 million over the next 10 years for the repair of high hazard dams. In Virginia, there are 96 dams owned by local governments that are classified as high hazard, with about half of them requiring expensive repairs.

The issue of safety for water impoundments has often been discussed at VACo meetings and conferences, which is why VACo adopted a position in its current Legislative Program supporting sufficient state and federal funding for the repair and maintenance of dams.

S. 2835 has been referred to the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. Here are links to letters sent to Senator Tim Kaine and Senator Mark Warner.

VACo Contact: Larry Land, CAE

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