VDOT FY 2021 Local State of Good Repair (SGR) Primary Extension and Local Bridge Programs Call for Applications and Submittals

The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) recently announced that it is soliciting for FY 2021 submittals for both the local State of Good Repair (SGR) Primary Extension Paving and Bridge programs.  Please see the correspondence regarding the details for the SGR pavement and bridge programs applications and submittals for FY 2021.  Localities should use the Smart Portal for submitting all Primary Extension paving applications and bridge notification forms for the State of Good Repair (SGR) program at the following link: https://smartportal.virginiahb2.org.

Additional information, including the application and submittal process is posted to the VDOT Local Assistance Division webpage at the following link: http://www.virginiadot.org/business/local_assistance_division_funding_programs.asp#good.

VDOT has also posted frequently asked questions and responses focused primarily on the requirement to meet federal requirements for SGR Primary Extension paving requests. These FAQs are based on discussions with a stakeholders group held in August. The presentations from the September 24 webinar are also posted on the webpage and the webinar recording should be posted soon.

The deadline for submitting Primary Extension pavement applications and bridge notification forms through the Smart Portal system is 5pm on December 13, 2019.  If you have questions, please contact Todd Halacy at Todd.Halacy@VDOT.Virginia.gov or by phone 804.786.3438 or Yolanda Newton at Yolanda.Newton@VDOT.Virginia.gov or by phone 804.786.0334.

VACo Contact: Jeremy R. Bennett

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