Virginia Local Government Investment Webinars

The Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) invites you and your colleagues to attend an informative, two-part investment series hosted by Multi-Bank Securities, Inc. (MBS). These free, 30-minute webinars have been created specifically as a resource for Virginia public funds officers of all experience levels and are built around applicable Virginia statutes. VACo and MBS urge you to join us for both sessions to learn about unique resources available to help you achieve your investment goals.

The Program

Part I. Public Funds Investment Policy
Thursday, January 12 | 2 p.m.
Learn how to develop and manage a compliant investment policy and investment program. Our discussion will center on the statutes that govern local investments in the Commonwealth, including the Investment of Public Funds Act and the Security for Public Deposits Act.

Part II. Investing in High-Quality Fixed-Income Securities
Thursday, January 19 | 2 p.m.
This session will review and apply the principles covered in Part I. Learn about proven strategies public investors use to simplify their investment programs and maximize safety, liquidity and yield. We will also introduce the Multi-Bank Securities Institute and Public Funds Investor Guide, a free educational resource available to municipal investors of all experience levels.

Click the dates below to register!

Part 1: Thursday, January 12 at 2 p.m.

Part 2: Thursday, January 19 at 2 p.m.

Who should attend these informational sessions?
These webinars are open to any local government treasurers and officers with investment responsibility, including: Treasurers | Finance Directors | Deputy Treasurers and Staff | Investment Committee Members

VACo Contact: Dean Lynch, CAE

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