Visit Middlesex County and the Middlesex County Historic Courthouse

PHOTO CREDIT: Calder Loth, 2023
Virginia Department of Historic Resources

Location: NE – School Street / Gloucester Road
Built: 1852 – 1853
Style: Colonial Revival
Architect: John P Hill
Contractor: John P Hill

Description: The building faces south and is a two story red colored brick structure. The south front has three large arches along the front and arches at either end of the arcade. There is a pediment at the roof line and the roof is hipped. On the east side is the Woodward Building constructed in 1966. That building has a similar arcade and wide pediment at the roof. The two buildings are connected by a one story arcade. On the east side is the old jail built by William R Jones.

Note: John P. Hill was builder of the courthouse building and was paid $1.010.95 out of a sheriff’s levy of taxpayers to provide for that purpose.


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