Call or email now to SUPPORT the Governor’s amendment removing state seizure of local fines and fees


Governor Terry McAuliffe has agreed to amend the budget and remove the fines and fees language that diverts local fine money to the state. The Governor will submit a budget amendment at the Veto Session to remove Item 3-6.05 of the conference budget submitted by the General Assembly.

Item 3-6.05 continues the practice of the state’s seizure of a portion of local fines and forfeitures. It impacts 33 localities statewide. Large and small, all affected localities share one common thread – the enforcement of traffic laws.

This action by Governor McAuliffe conforms the budget to HB 537 (Minchew), which directs that local fines remain with localities.

This is a one-time opportunity to have this language removed. It is urgent that all localities voice support to ensure the amendment’s passage.


VACo Members – please contact your Delegates and Senators and encourage them to support Governor McAuliffe’s amendment removing state seizure of local fines and fees.

– Without the Governor’s amendment passing at the April 20 Veto Session, the state share of fines revenue will continue to increase.

– This language impacts 33 localities statewide, both large and small, who enforce state traffic laws.

– Removing this language from the budget is a VACo priority and is also a top priority of the Governor’s Task Force for Local Government Mandate Review.


House of Delegates

Senate of Virginia

VACo Contacts: Beau Blevins and Dean Lynch, CAE

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