SUPPORT the Governor’s amendments regarding state seizure of local fines and fees and Broadband funding


The following items are on the floor of the House and Senate today. Please contact your Delegates and Senators and encourage them to support Governor Terry McAuliffe’s amendments.


Governor McAuliffe has agreed to amend the budget and remove the fines and fees language that diverts local fine money to the state. The Governor will submit a budget amendment at the Veto Session to remove Item 3-6.05 of the General Assembly’s conference budget.

Item 3-6.05 continues the practice of the state’s seizure of a portion of local fines and forfeitures. It impacts 33 localities statewide. Large and small, all affected localities share one common thread – the enforcement of traffic laws.

This action by Governor McAuliffe conforms the budget to HB 537 (Minchew), which directs that local fines remain with localities.

Please contact your state delegation and encourage them to support the Governor’s amendment.


Governor McAuliffe has proposed language to remove limitations on leveraging funding for Broadband projects. Budget Item 109 as currently written limits a locality’s ability to leverage Virginia Telecommunication Initiative Funds with other state and federal funding sources for use in deployment or construction of broadband projects.

The Governor’s amendment removes this restrictive language that would allow localities to leverage funding from a number of sources in the deployment of Broadband.

Please contact your state delegation and encourage them to support the Governor’s amendment.



House of Delegates

Senate of Virginia


VACo Contacts: Beau Blevins, Dean Lynch, CAE, and Phyllis Errico, CAE


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