Governor McAuliffe to speak at VACo County Government Day

February 2, 2017
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Omni Richmond Hotel
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This is our day to advocate for counties at the General Assembly. Join us at VACo County Government Day on Thursday, February 2! Registration opens at 11 a.m. and the event kicks off with a boxed lunch at noon. Our keynote speaker will be Governor Terry McAuliffe who will address attendees on issues that affect counties.

VACo staff will provide legislative briefs before charging all present to meet with their General Assembly representatives that afternoon. For information on how to reach your representatives, see the Virginia House of Delegates Member Listings and the Senate of Virginia websites. Find information about VACo’s positions in the 2017 Legislative Program, created by VACo Steering Committees, and adopted at our Annual Business Meeting. We will distribute our VACo County Government Day Bulletin at the event.

We encourage all counties to participate in the legislative process – hear briefs on the issues and make appointments to speak with your representatives that afternoon. The VACo County Government Day event should conclude around 1:30 p.m.

Register for VACo County Government Day online or by faxing in a registration form to 804.788.0083. Register early and show the state who’s coming to town!

For rooming information, check out our dedicated online room reservation page or call 1.800.THE.OMNI and use code “VACo County Government Day” to unlock our special event rate. Omni Richmond is participating in the HUNGER program, which will provide one week of meals to a family of four for every online reservation. Consider reserving online to help a family during this season. Room Reservation cut off is 5 p.m. January 18. Room rate is not guaranteed after that date.

Click here for sponsorship opportunities during our February events. Contact Amy Sales for more information.

VACo Contact: Amy Sales, CMP

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