VACo Hits the Road

The Regional Meetings season is in full swing as VACo staff traveled to Louisa County for the Region 7 Meeting on June 22 and Washington County for the Regions 12-13 Meeting on June 29. Both meetings were well attended with more than 100 County Leaders and Staff participating in the robust conversations. VACo staff has now conducted three regional meetings covering four regions. Four more regional meetings are scheduled spanning six regions.

Visit the Region 7 Webpage to read a recap of the event.

And visit the Regions 12-13 Webpage for a summary of the meeting.

Upcoming Regional Meetings

Region 6 | August 10 | Clarke County

Regions 9 & 11 | September 14 | Rockbridge County
Preliminary Agenda

Regions 1 & 2 | September 27 | Westmoreland County

Region 10 | TBA

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