VACo seeks county supervisors and executive staff interested in serving on steering and operational committees. The steering committees consider proposals from member counties for inclusion in VACo’s legislative program.
They also provide direction to the VACo staff on policy issues arising from legislative and state agency studies. Steering committee members are selected from each of VACo’s 13 regions.
The operational and ad-hoc committees are responsible for helping direct the staff in the activities, programs and functions of VACo.

Steering Committees
Agriculture and rural affairs activities affected by laws and regulations.
Community development, economic development, workforce development, infrastructure, and growth management.
PreK-12 public education issues, including funding, school construction, and local authority.
Environment, affordable and reliable electricity, renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, and land use issues.
Appropriations, taxation, and elections.
General Government issues such as Freedom of Information, procurement, public safety, and cybersecurity.
Social services, Children’s Services Act, behavioral health, and related issues.
Transportation issues.
Operational Committees
Establishes a budget format and a budget that directs resources to the top priorities set by the membership to allow the association to achieve its goals.
VACo’s conference planning committee helps assure that the annual meeting provides members with valuable information for planning and implementing new ideas and technologies and serves as a focal point for imparting information about legislative issues.
This committee meets before the annual business meeting and prepares a slate of officers to present to the attending membership.
This committee is comprised of chairs and vice chairs of all the Steering Committees.
Article VI of the VACo bylaws provides that each county is to designate a representative of its Board of Supervisors to vote at the annual business meeting. However, the bylaws allow a county to designate a proxy to vote if a member of the Board of Supervisors cannot be present for this meeting.
This committee validates the voting credentials for the Annual Conference Business Meeting.
Credentials Form
For County Board Chairs and Administrators
2024 Voting Credentials Letter
From VACo Executive Director Dean Lynch
Completed forms should be returned to