Guests Share the Legislative Pulse of Virginia Counties
Guests share the legislative pulse of Virginia Counties with Host Dean Lynch. Our latest episodes are below. Thank you for listening to the County Pulse Podcast.

Season 5 | 2025
Energy Landscape of Virginia Series with Joe Lerch
Energy Landscape of Virginia Episode 9 | Solar by the Numbers – Facts and Figures
Energy Landscape of Virginia Episode 9 | Solar by the Numbers – Facts and Figures. Joe Lerch talks with Aaron Berryhill, Solar Program Manager with Virginia Department of Energy on the latest numbers in Virginia for solar installations. We cover a wide range of sources that inform how much utility-scale, community-scale, and rooftop solar has been installed in the Commonwealth.
For information and assistance contact:
Aaron Berryhill
Solar Program Manager
Virginia Department of Energy
Office: 804.486.2754 | Cell: 804.839.6978
Where to find out more about topics covered in this episode
- Virginia Energy – Solar Power Webpage
- S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) – Electricity Data
- Virginia Solar Database – University of Virginia | Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service
- Updated Utility-Scale Solar Land Use Report (2025)
- Solar and wind power curtailments are rising in California – EIA, October, 2023 online article
- Accelerated Renewable Energy Buyers – Dominion Energy Certification Process
Energy Landscape of Virginia Episode 8 | Virginia General Assembly Update – Legislation on Data Centers and Utility-Scale Solar
Virginia General Assembly Update – Legislation on Data Centers and Utility-Scale Solar.
Joe Lerch and VACo Executive Director Dean Lynch provide an update on the status of legislation relating to Data Centers and Utility-Scale Solar.
Where to find out more about topics covered in this episode
- JLARC “Data Centers in Virginia” Report
- HB 1601/SB 1449 – Siting of Data Centers; Site Assessment
- House Budget Amendment – Extends the sunset date for sales tax exemption for data centers from 2035 to 2050
- Senate Budget Amendment – Requires data center operators to meet energy efficiency standards to qualify for sales tax exemption
- Capitol Contact ALERT: VACo Opposes Bill Mandating Targets for Utility-Scale Solar in Comprehensive Plans (January 29, 2025)
- Bills to Mandate Counties put State Targets for Utility-Scale Solar in Comprehensive Plans Fail (February 4, 2025)
- ACTION ITEM: Oppose Bill to Mandate Statewide Standards for Solar Facilities (February 11, 2025)
Season 4 | 2024
Energy Landscape of Virginia Series with Joe Lerch
Energy Landscape of Virginia Episode 7 | “Data Centers in Virginia” JLARC Report – Interview with Mark Gribbin
“Data Centers in Virginia” JLARC Report – Interview with Mark Gribbin.
In this episode we sit down with Mark Gribbin, Chief Legislative Analyst with the Joint Legislative Audit Review Commission (JLARC). He is the project leader for JLARC’s “Data Centers in Virginia” report, which was released December 9th. We go over a summary of the report’s findings regarding the economic benefits to Virginia, as well as what challenges lay ahead in regard to meeting the escalating energy demand from the continued growth of the industry. We also discuss the report’s legislative recommendations and policy options, some of which include expressly authorizing local governments to address issues related to water usage and noise.
- JLARC “Data Centers in Virginia” Report
- Electric Utilities and Data Center Load Growth – Case Summary for SCC PUR-2024-00144
Energy Landscape of Virginia Episode 6 | Legislative Outlook Update – Proposals to Preempt County Authority on Siting of Solar Facilities
Legislative Outlook Update – Proposals to Preempt County Authority on Siting of Solar Facilities.
Joe Lerch and VACo Executive Director Dean Lynch provide an update on solar industry lobbying efforts to preempt local authority on siting of utility-scale facilities and what VACo and its members will be doing to ensure this does not happen.
Where to find out more about topics covered in this episode
- Commission on Electric Utility Regulation Meeting Page (see 11/26/2024 and click “Materials” for drop down menu)
- Proposed Legislative Outline for Facility Siting and Permitting
- CEUR November 26, 2024 meeting video
- UVA Virginia Solar Database
Energy Landscape of Virginia Episode 5 | Reclaiming the Landscape of Southwest Virginia for Energy | Part 2
Part 2. Reclaiming the Landscape of Southwest Virginia for Energy.
After learning about the opportunities for repurposing abandoned mine land for data centers in our 1st part with Will Clear and Will Payne, we visit with Mike Hatfield and Natalie Chapman from Wise County to expand on this conversation and take a tour of the future site of Data Center Ridge.
Where to find out more about topics covered in this episode
- Data Center Ridge – Energy DELTA Lab
- Mineral Gap Data Center
- Lonesome Pine Regional Industrial Facilities Authority (RIFA)
- Future Site of Data Center Ridge
- Virginia City Hybrid Energy Center
- Mineral Gap Data Center Solar Array
- Grading of Abandoned Mine Land for Industrial Park with Data Center
Energy Landscape of Virginia Episode 5 | Reclaiming the Landscape of Southwest Virginia for Energy | Part 1
Part 1. Reclaiming the Landscape of Southwest Virginia for Energy.
Listen in to Part 1 of a two-part episode recorded in Washington County, where we sit down with business partners Will Clear and Will Payne, who are investing in Southwest Virginia with a particular focus on reclaiming abandoned mine land to repurpose for a reboot of the energy economy of the region.
Where to find out more about the topics covered in this episode:
Energy Landscape of Virginia Series with Joe Lerch
Energy Landscape of Virginia Episode 4 | DEQ Solar Permit-By-Rule Regulations – HB 206
Draft Revisions to DEQ Solar Permit-By-Rule (PBR) Regulations – HB 206.
This episode reviews regulations that amend the requirements for utility-scale solar installations to receive state permits to operate. Specifically, a 2022 law – commonly referred to as HB 206 – requires that applicants must avoid, minimize or otherwise mitigate certain losses to prime farmland and forests in order to get approval. In a conversation with Jonathan Rak and Susan Tripp with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), we learn the details of the draft regulations, focusing on important aspects that counties will want to know, opportunities to comment on the draft, and next steps in the process before they become effective.
Energy Landscape of Virginia Episode 3 | Data Centers and Utility-Scale Solar – Mecklenburg County | Part 1
Part 1. Mecklenburg Experience with County Administrator Alex Gottschalk
This 2-part episode was recorded on location in Mecklenburg County, which is located on the southern border with North Carolina. In Part 1, we sit down with County Administrator Alex Gottschalk to talk about the unique experience of a rural county that has seen significant growth in both data centers and utility-scale solar.
Energy Landscape of Virginia Episode 3 | Data Centers and Utility-Scale Solar – Mecklenburg County | Part 2
Part 2. Mecklenburg County Tour with Administrator Alex Gottschalk
Alex takes us on a windshield tour of examples of both land uses, and we discuss how Mecklenburg County has responded in terms of planning for how these fit within their community.
Energy Landscape of Virginia Episode 2 | Utility-Scale Solar | Part 1
Part 1. Utility-Scale Solar – Legislative Outlook with Dean Lynch
In the first of a 2-part episode, Joe Lerch sits down with VACo Executive Director Dean Lynch to discuss the big picture on state energy policy related to solar and recent attempts to preempt local authority on siting of facilities. Central to this discussion is the passage in 2020 of Virginia Clean Economy Act, which sets certain targets for deployment of utility-scale solar facilities.
Energy Landscape of Virginia Episode 2 | Utility-Scale Solar | Part 2
Part 2. Utility-Scale Solar – Erosion Control and Stormwater with Mike Rolband
In Part 2 of our episode on Utility-Scale Solar, Joe Lerch sits down with Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Director Mike Rolband to focus on issues related to erosion control and stormwater management. We learn about widespread and significant impacts due to developers not adhering to minimum requirements to prevent soil loss and runoff pollution. Director Rolband explains what DEQ has been doing to correct the situation through enforcement, education, and incentives. Counties are part of solving this problem and we’ll learn the role they can play in avoiding and mitigating impacts to soils and waterways.
Additional Resources
Mike Rolband Slides (specifically for the podcast).
Energy Landscape of Virginia Episode 1 | Data Centers | Part 1
Part 1. Listen in as Joe Lerch interviews Chris Kimm, Senior Vice President of Global Customer Care and Experience at Equinix, an American multi-national corporation that builds and operates data centers. Learn about the data center business, and how they provide a seamless and instantaneous experience for commerce, industry, education, and social interactions. In so doing we touch on a range of topics including energy consumption, water use and how advances in artificial intelligence (AI) programs are driving demand for more computing power.
Energy Landscape of Virginia Episode 1 | Data Centers | Part 2
Part 2. Listen in as Joe Lerch takes a tour of the Equinix facility in Loudoun County. Before hitting the floor to see where all the processing and storage takes place, Chris Kimm with Equinix guides us through the various components of the power to run the data center.
Energy Landscape of Virginia Episode 1 | Data Centers | Part 3
Part 3. Listen in as Joe Lerch interviews Loudoun County Vice Chair and VACo Board Member Juli Briskman. We learn how the industry has transformed their community, what steps they’ve taken in terms of planning for its growth and impacts, and what other counties should consider when the industry comes knocking on the door.
Additional Resources
Loudoun County Specific Design Standards for Data Centers – see page 55
Loudoun County Project Plan for Data Center Standards and Locations
Season 3 | 2020
General Assembly Legislative Briefs 2 | January 24 | Episode 2
VACo Executive Director Dean Lynch welcomed Delegate Terry Kilgore to the County Pulse Podcast to talk about the 2020 General Assembly Session. The two Scott County natives discussed Equal Taxing Fairness, budget amendments, legislation submitted by Delegate Kilgore, opportunities in Southwest Virginia, and much more.
General Assembly Legislative Briefs 1 | January 10 | Episode 1
VACo’s VACo Executive Director Dean Lynch and Lancaster County Supervisor Jason Bellows discuss the start of the 2020 General Assembly Session and issues of interest to Counties.
Season 2 | 2019
A First Look at the Introduced Budget | December 30 | Episode 19
VACo’s Katie Boyle talks with economist Jim Regimbal about key elements of the Governor’s proposed budget, which was presented on December 17. VACo’s preliminary analysis of the budget is available at
Funding the Chesapeake Bay Cleanup and an Update on Utility-Scale Solar | December 12 | Episode 18
VACo staff Chris McDonald and Joe Lerch discuss recent announcements and developments in the arena of water quality and renewable energy.
Connecting the Commonwealth – Expanding Broadband Access in Virginia | December 11 | Episode 17
Evan Feinman, Chief Broadband Advisor for Governor Ralph Northam and Executive Director of the Virginia Tobacco Region Revitalization Commission, and Courtney Dozier, Chief Deputy at Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development and Deputy Broadband Advisor, join VACo’s Jeremy Bennett to discuss broadband access and expansion through the Virginia Telecommunications Initiative (VATI) and other means of support.
The Future of Work | October 15 | Episode 16
VACo’s Angela Inglett speaks with Callan Dudley of Southern Landscape Group about the rising generation of workers. Callan shared how Southern Landscape Group is working with its local school system to inspire students with the employment possibilities within their communities.
K-12 Public Education | Small and Rural Schools | September 25 | Episode 15
Welcome to the County Pulse! In this episode, Superintendent Keith Perrigan of Bristol City Public Schools and President of the Small and Rural Schools Coalition and Jason Bellows, District 3 Supervisor for Lancaster County, member of the VACo Board of Directors and VACo Region 2 Director join VACo’s Jeremy Bennett to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing K-12 education in small and rural communities.
Virginia’s Veterans – Innovative Partnerships to Serve Those Who Served Us | August 22 | Episode 14
Welcome to the County Pulse! Carlos Hopkins, Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs and a member of the Governor’s Cabinet, and Ruby Brabo, at-large Supervisor for King George County, join VACo’s Jeremy Bennett to discuss partnerships, challenges, and opportunities between county and state government addressing the needs of Virginia’s veteran population, collaboration with U.S Military installations in the Commonwealth, and the role of counties in this effort.
Another Option | July 23 | Episode 13
Frank Bossio (Former Culpeper County Administrator) and Sue Hansohn (Member of the Culpeper County Board of Supervisors) jump on the podcast to chat with Angela Inglett about workforce development and to explain why we should encourage young people to explore options apart from the college track. We talk about new methods of delivering career training and the importance of recognizing the dignity of work in all its forms.
A Breath of Fresh Air: Life in Rural Virginia | June 25 | Episode 12
In this episode, we meet the recently appointed Chair of the VACo Rural Caucus: Grayson County Administrator Bill Shepley. Bill talks to host Angela Inglett about his love for Rural Virginia, his vision for the Caucus, and his excitement about the opportunities facing rural communities.
A Conversation about Economic Trends with Jim Regimbal | June 19 | Episode 11
Katie Boyle talks with Jim Regimbal of Fiscal Analytics, Ltd., about key components of the budget adopted in 2019 and major economic factors shaping the next biennium budget.
Commonwealth Conversations – Senator Emmett Hanger | June 4 | Episode 10
VACo Executive Director Dean Lynch talks with Senate Finance Co-Chairman Emmett Hanger about key policy issues of interest to local governments, including transportation, broadband, and strengthening the state-local partnership.
Communication and Community – A View from Stafford County on Best Budgeting Practices for K-12 Education | May 30 | Episode 9
Meg Bohmke of the Stafford County Board of Supervisors and VACo Executive Committee and Superintendent of Stafford County Public Schools Dr. Scott Kizner join VACo’s Jeremy Bennett to discuss the K-12 education budget process and collaboration between school divisions and boards of supervisors. This episode is sponsored by VACORP – the premier group self-insurance pool providing comprehensive coverage and risk management services to Virginia public entities.
An Ounce of Prevention – Making a Case for Proactive Land Use Planning | May 13 | Episode 8
Attorney Sharon Pandak of Greehan Taves & Pandak and CEO Darren Coffey of the Berkley Group join VACo’s Joe Lerch to discuss the benefit of having a proactive land use plan. Counties routinely budget dollars for legal expenses but rarely for long-range planning expenses.
Loudoun County Preps for the 2020 Census | April 10 | Episode 7
Host Joe Lerch speaks with Gwen Kennedy, Loudoun County’s Legislative Liaison, about what the Northern Virginia locality is doing to prepare for the 2020 Census approaches. This episode is sponsored by Enterprise Fleet Management – the No. 1 leasing solution for County fleets.
Link to ROAM Tool
Localities can use this tool to see where hard-to-survey areas have been in the past.
Preparing for the 2020 Census | March 29 | Episode 6
Host Katie Boyle talks with Margaret Nimmo Holland, Executive Director of Voices for Virginia’s Children, about the upcoming 2020 Census and efforts to ensure a successful count in Virginia. This episode is sponsored by Avaya — a leading provider of next-generation communications solutions for businesses and government entities worldwide.
Margaret Nimmo Holland’s Column in the Richmond Times-Dispatch | Counting everyone is crucial: Why the 2020 Census matters to Virginia | March 30, 2019
2019 General Assembly Edition 5 | February 22 | Episode 5
In this episode, VACo Lobbyists Joe Lerch and Katie Boyle talk about the final days of the 2019 General Assembly Session – the conference process, what’s next for the state budget, and some bills of interest to counties. This episode is sponsored by Aetna – a leading health care company that is helping public and labor employees on their path to better health.
2019 General Assembly Edition 4 | February 19 | Episode 4
Host Chris McDonald talks with VACo General Counsel Phyllis Errico and VACo Lobbyist Jeremy Bennett about a variety of issues, including agritourism, school modernization, school safety, FOIA, COIA, and much more.
2019 General Assembly Edition 3 | February 19 | Episode 3
VACo Lobbyists Joe Lerch and Chris McDonald talk about a variety of issues, including alcohol reform, I-81 improvements, industrial hemp, casinos, proffers and much more.
2019 General Assembly Edition 2 | February 8 | Episode 2
VACo Lobbyists Katie Boyle and Jeremy Bennett join Joe Lerch to talk about the state budget and give updates on the 2019 General Assembly Session. This special legislative episode of the VACo County Pulse is sponsored by The Berkley Group – a full-service local government consulting firm employing public sector experts. Located throughout Virginia, The Berkley Group provides personal attention and superior service to local governments across the Commonwealth – and beyond! Visit them at
2019 General Assembly Edition 1 | January 17 | Episode 1
VACo Lobbyists Joe Lerch and Chris McDonald join Executive Director Dean Lynch to talk about the start of the 2019 General Assembly Session. The trio discusses issues such as solar, proffers, procurement, I-81, water quality, agriculture, and much more. This special legislative episode is sponsored by Enterprise Fleet Management – the No. 1 leasing solution for County fleets.
Season 1 | 2018
Transition to “Next Generation” NG9-1-1 with VITA’s Steve Marzolf | November 20 | Episode 7
Steve Marzolf, VITA’s Integrated Services Program Director, explains the Commonwealth’s plan to assist local governments with the migration of Next Generation NG9-1-1 technology. This podcast includes important information about the timetable and state funding available for each of the 123 Public Safety Answering Points operated at the local level.
Top Issues in Behavioral Health with Dr. Hughes Melton | October 23 | Episode 6
Dr. Hughes Melton, Commissioner of the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, sat down with VACo’s Dean Lynch to discuss major issues in behavioral health, including efforts to address the addiction crisis and the effects of Medicaid expansion.
Utility-Scale Solar Energy | September 18 | Episode 5
Utility-scale solar energy (USSE) projects are growing in size and number across the Commonwealth. Unlike a traditional electric generating facility, they are land intensive. One Megawatt (MW) of generation capacity typically requires the siting of solar panels on 8 to 12 acres of land. The result is larger projects – in the 150MW to 500 MW range – now measure in the thousands of acres and even square miles. This episode explores both the land use impacts and local revenue implications of this emerging energy production market on Virginia’s counties.
Medicaid Expansion and What it Means for County Governments | September 4 | Episode 4
VACo Executive Director Dean Lynch interviews Dr. Jennifer Lee, Director of the Department of Medical Assistance Services, about Medicaid expansion and how her agency is working with local departments of social services, Community Services Boards, and jails on its implementation. Details about new coverage are available at
Combating the Opioid Crisis in Virginia’s Counties | June 20 | Episode 3
County Pulse Host Dean Lynch welcomes VACo’s Angela Inglett to talk about this important issue. Inglett is author of the 1207 to the 95 Blog that provides resources, research and information for county officials on a variety of issues.
Connecting Rural Virginia to the Internet | June 11 | Episode 2
County Pulse Host Dean Lynch speaks with VACo’s Joe Lerch and Khaki LaRiviere about broadband connectivity in rural Virginia.
The Virginia State Budget Impasse | May 24 | Episode 1
Host Dean Lynch interviews Katie Boyle on the state budget situation.