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The Voice of the

Commonwealth's Counties


VACo Supports School Construction Financing Bill

On January 15, VACo testified in support of SB 1307 (McPike), legislation that once again seeks to grant additional revenue raising authority if approved by local referendum for school capital needs. Funding for school construction

Review of Education Mandates Underway

As part of its periodic reassessment of mandates on local government, the Department of Education is currently soliciting comments on three mandates: school staffing ratios

County Officials’ Summit shaping into form

VACo Education and Steering Committee Meetings Thursday, August 16 VACo Board of Directors Meeting Friday, August 17 Fredericksburg Expo and Conference Center | 2371 Carl

media inquiries

VACo welcomes media inquiries. We have experts who know the issues well and can give stories perspective and color. Our experts are well-respected in the Commonwealth and have experience working with the media.

If you need more assistance or have a media inquiry, contact Communications Director Gage Harter at
