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The Voice of the

Commonwealth's Counties


VACo Supports School Construction Financing Bill

On January 15, VACo testified in support of SB 1307 (McPike), legislation that once again seeks to grant additional revenue raising authority if approved by local referendum for school capital needs. Funding for school construction

SLAF Guidelines Update Fails to Report

An update to Stormwater Local Assistance Fund (SLAF) project funding guidelines has failed to report out the House Agriculture, Chesapeake, and Natural Resources Committee’s Subcommittee

Bill to Fund Court Safety Rereferred

SB 827 (Howell) increases assessments made on defendants convicted of violating a statute or ordinance from $10 to $20. Revenue from the assessment shall be

Dredging Bills Advance

Several dredging bills introduced by Delegate Keith Hodges have begun gaining momentum as they move through the General Assembly. HB 1095 (Hodges) authorizes the Middle

media inquiries

VACo welcomes media inquiries. We have experts who know the issues well and can give stories perspective and color. Our experts are well-respected in the Commonwealth and have experience working with the media.

If you need more assistance or have a media inquiry, contact Communications Director Gage Harter at
