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The Voice of the

Commonwealth's Counties


VACo Supports School Construction Financing Bill

On January 15, VACo testified in support of SB 1307 (McPike), legislation that once again seeks to grant additional revenue raising authority if approved by local referendum for school capital needs. Funding for school construction

VACo Opposes Check Registry Bill

SB 751 (Sturtevant) requires every locality with a population greater than 25,000, and every school division with greater than 5,000 students, to post on their

VACo Meets with Speaker Kirk Cox

VACo Executive Director Dean Lynch recently met with the newly-elected Speaker of the House, Delegate Kirk Cox, to discuss issues of importance to county governments. 

Community Policing Bills Update

The Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) is halfway through a two-year process to update law enforcement training standards. A number of the bills suggest

Stormwater Bill Defeated in Committee

SB 507 (Carrico) was defeated last week in the Senate Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources Committee, failing to report to the full Senate by a

Body Camera Legislation

HB 402 (Levine) requires localities to adopt and establish a written policy for operating body-worn camera systems using the DCJS model policy. The policy addresses

ABC Transition and its Impact on Revenues

The Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority (ABC) Chief Executive Officer Travis Hill recently spoke to the Senate Finance Committee’s Public Safety Subcommittee about budget priorities.

media inquiries

VACo welcomes media inquiries. We have experts who know the issues well and can give stories perspective and color. Our experts are well-respected in the Commonwealth and have experience working with the media.

If you need more assistance or have a media inquiry, contact Communications Director Gage Harter at
