Board Meeting Procedure in Virginia
Order the Board Meeting Procedure in Virginia booklet revised to meet the the most recent Virginia Statutes. Authored by registered parliamentarian and New Kent County Supervisor Stran L. Trout, this handy guide has all the requirements you need to know to have an efficient and formal board meeting. This is a must have for all county officials! The booklet costs $20 per copy for members; nonmembers $25. Pricing includes shipping. For further information, please call Valerie Russell 804.788.6652 or
Virginia Local Tax Rates 2019
The only comprehensive view of local taxation in Virginia is prepared annually by the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service at the University of Virginia. It is an Indispensable resource for anyone involved with local governments in Virginia, either as a taxpayer, elected official, administrator, business leader, or researcher.

VDOT 2019 Board of Supervisors Manual
This manual was developed as a quick reference guide to the more common activities associated with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). The purpose of this manual is to provide new members of the County Board of Supervisors, or other public officials, with a better understanding of the Department. The topics cover the activities most commonly performed by the residency and district offices, and may assist in answering questions generated from constituents.

2022 Edition of the Mandates Catalog
The 2020 edition of the Catalog of State and Federal Mandates on Local Governments has been approved and published by the Commission on Local Government. The Commission approved the 2020 version on September 17, 2020. The Code of Virginia, § 15.2-2903(7), directs the Commission to prepare and annually update a catalog of this nature. The online database catalog was produced with the input of various agencies that administer or have purview over the mandates.