VACo holds first regional meeting


On May 24 in Nelson County, VACo held the first of eight regional meetings. These meetings provide county officials with valuable opportunities to engage in constructive discussion not only with VACo’s legislative team, but also members of the General Assembly, various regional entities including planning districts and key agency representatives.

At the Region 5 Meeting, the development of broadband in rural areas was among the highest-priority issues discussed by attendees. The issue of water supply also emerged as a major concern. Senator Thomas A. Garrett, who represents several counties that are part of VACo Region 5, shared with attendees his views on unfunded mandates and certain legislative initiatives he has supported since he became a member of the Senate five years ago. The occasion allowed time for questions and informative discussion.

Albemarle County, Fluvanna County, Nelson County and Powhatan County shared what’s happening in their communities and identified some key legislative issues affecting their communities.

Region 11 will be the next VACo Regional Meeting and is scheduled for June 6 from 7-9 p.m. at the Roanoke South County Library.

Click here for the schedule of VACo’s future regional meetings.

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