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The Voice of the

Commonwealth's Counties

Nominations Committee

REGION  MEMBER                COUNTY            TITLE
1       William McCarty       Isle of Wight     Supervisor
2       Sherrin Alsop         King and Queen    Supervisor
3       James Holland         Chesterfield      Supervisor
4       Mark Moore            Dinwiddie         Supervisor
5       Mike Sheridan         Fluvanna          Supervisor
6       Terri Catlett         Clarke            Supervisor
7       Meg Bohmke            Stafford          Supervisor
8       Margaret Franklin     Prince William    Supervisor
9       Sallie Wolfe-Garrison Rockingham        Supervisor
10      Linda DeVito Kuchenbuch Floyd           Supervisor
11      Mary Biggs(C)         Montgomery        Supervisor
12      Laura Walters         Pulaski           Supervisor
13      John Schoolcraft      Wise              Supervisor