VACo 2016 Annual Conference Update

It feels as if we just left the very successful 2015 annual meeting, but believe it or not we’re already working on the 2016 event. VACo’s 82nd Annual Conference will be held November 13-15 at The Omni Homestead in Bath County. The Annual Conference provides county officials with the opportunity to participate in education sessions, be part of the formation of our Legislative Program, elect officers, learn about innovative county programs, network with colleagues, learn about innovative county programs and connect with exhibitors whose products and services may help your county.

For those new to VACo’s room reservation and conference registration process, we hope the following guide helps.

The Omni Homestead Room Reservation form will be sent by email on Wednesday, June 15 to the VACo Board of Directors, county administrators and confirmed exhibitors. Do note that VACo has an agreement with The Omni Homestead regarding the room reservation process and online reservations during the conference are unavailable. The reservation form is the only way to reserve a room at the VACo rate during the conference. Please see our Lodging Guidelines for more information. If you plan to attend the annual conference, but wish to stay at a different location, VACo will soon provide a list of alternate lodging options in the area. Know that if you do not stay at The Omni Homestead, no meals are included in your conference registration, including the annual banquet. Guests staying elsewhere may purchase a banquet ticket for $75, which can be ordered on their Conference Registration form.

Conference Registration forms will be sent on Monday, August 15. The room reservations at The Omni Homestead are separate from registering for the conference. Receiving your room reservation does not mean that you are automatically registered for the conference.

Should you have any questions regarding room reservations or exhibiting at the conference, please contact Carol Cameron by email at All other conference questions can be answered by Amy Sales at or by calling 804.788.6652.

We look forward to seeing you there! For more updates on the 2016 Annual Conference, check out our conference webpage and look for updates in County Connections.

VACo Contact: Amy Sales, CMP

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